Exercises to Try Out

Simple exercises that you can do in your office to ease back pain

Back pain affects people of all shapes, sizes, and professions. In fact, research shows that back pain, especially low back…

Avoiding office colds: How to stay healthy at work in winter

Working in an office can be great at times. You’ll be surrounded with colleagues you can socialise with, who will…

How to protect your eyes at work

The world revolves around computers nowadays, which means more and more jobs involve sitting in front of a screen. We’ve already covered how this can be bad for your heart health, due to the amount of time you spend sitting…

4 small changes to make your workplace healthier

Working in an office – as so many of us do nowadays – isn’t the best for your health. Spending all day sitting down indoors, with little sun or fresh…

How to cut down on sitting

Sitting is bad for you. You probably already figured that it’s better to go for a run than lounge on the sofa for an hour, but you might not realise how much damage spending a day sitting down at work…

How to be healthy at the office

Working in an office job isn’t great for your health. While some people work outdoors in active roles, you spend eight hours a day sat at a desk, burning very few calories and hurting your back from being bent over…

Staying Fit at Work

Moving your feet could keep you healthy

We all know we should be moving around more throughout the day in order to stay healthy. However, working in an office can mean you don’t get the chance to…

Get fit at work with desk chair alternatives

If you work in an office, you’re probably already aware that sitting for eight hours a day, five days a week isn’t great for your health. Numerous studies in recent…

How to stay active during working hours

As we spend most of the time in our offices, we all know how difficult it can be to stay active during work hours. Hence, achieving the recommended 10,000 steps…

Exercises to Try Out

Five ways to keep safe when cycling to work

Cycling can be an incredible way to improve your fitness, boost your Well One health score and shed those extra pounds before Christmas. It is an activity that works numerous…