Dealing with workplace pressure

Mental health is more prevalent in society than many of us realise. We’ve got better at recognising and understanding it, but many people still feel unable to share the details of what’s affecting them with the people around them. Nowhere…

Three ways to make yourself happier and healthier

We are living in one of the best eras for mental health, on the whole. Humanity has never understood as much as we do now, and people tend to find…

Ways Meditation Helps You Stay Happier and Healthier

Most people complain about the stress their job or their responsibilities at a home cause. It is becoming one of…

Fatigue: What’s causing it and how do you stop it?

Does this sound familiar: no matter how much sleep you seem to get, throughout the day you still find yourself…

Your heart rate: What should it actually be?

How fast does your heart beat? It’s such a vital part of your body, and so many devices keep track of it for us. You don’t have to be at…

Improving Wellbeing

Simple ways to boost your mood

Things we do or encounter throughout any given day not only have an impact on our health, they also affect our mood. One day…

Be happy and healthy: Happiness really is the key to good health

When we think of what it means to be healthy, our minds usually go to exercise and food, but there…

The power of mindfulness

Mindfulness is the latest craze to hit the health and fitness community, with the basic premise being that you are aware of where you are, what you’re doing and the reasons why you’re doing it. However, it’s more than an…

Why are rest days so important?

If you’re trying to improve your fitness, tone up, lose weight or build muscle, you probably want to try and exercise as often as possible. After all, working out daily is a big part of achieving your goals, right? While…

Could kindness be the ultimate health cure?

Everyone knows that it is generally a good thing to be nice to others, but as well as making them and you feel good, being kind could also be good…