Three ways to make yourself happier and healthier

We are living in one of the best eras for mental health, on the whole. Humanity has never understood as much as we do now, and people tend to find…

How to cut down on sitting

Sitting is bad for you. You probably already figured that it’s better to go for a run than lounge on the sofa for an hour, but you might not realise how much damage spending a day sitting down at work…

Staying Fit at Work

How to be healthy at the office

Working in an office job isn’t great for your health. While some people work outdoors in active roles, you spend eight hours a day sat at a desk, burning very few calories and hurting your back from being bent over…

Sleeping Better

Is lack of sleep affecting your work?

Some days, it seems like you can’t get anything done at work. You spend all your time at your desk with your head in your hands, trying to finish a…

Managing Stress

Is happiness the key to good health?

While diet, exercise and good lifestyle habits all contribute to your overall wellbeing, there is one thing that can have a surprisingly large impact: your happiness. It might seem unusual,…

Ways Meditation Helps You Stay Happier and Healthier

Most people complain about the stress their job or their responsibilities at a home cause. It is becoming one of…

Improving Wellbeing

Fatigue: What’s causing it and how do you stop it?

Does this sound familiar: no matter how much sleep you seem to get, throughout the day you still find yourself…

Your heart rate: What should it actually be?

How fast does your heart beat? It’s such a vital part of your body, and so many devices keep track of it for us. You don’t have to be at…

Not getting enough sleep? Try one of these tips

One of the biggest health problems in the modern world is sleep deprivation. It can be hard to drop off at night, and even harder to stay asleep until the…

5 reasons you need more sleep

After a long day at work, nothing quite comes close to a good night’s sleep, but it’s not always easy to enjoy the recommended amount of shut eye. Occasionally, things can get in the way of a relaxing night. Whether ……