Tips for exercising safely

Whether you’re a self-confessed fitness fanatic who works out regularly, or if you’re simply looking to begin exercising, it’s important to consider your safety. Running everyday or going to the gym four times a week is all well and good,…

Great ways to exercise during winter

With the summer season behind us and the colder temperatures setting in, your motivation levels may begin to wane and instead of going for a run outdoors, you would probably…

Workout myths debunked

If you have recently started working out, it can take a while before you establish a comfortable workout regime that’s tailored to your own needs. With so many fitness tips and advice readily available, it can be tricky to get…


Tips for first-time gym goers

If you’ve been putting off exercise for a while, but finally plucked up the courage to sign for a gym membership, it’s likely you’ve begun to feel a little apprehensive and aren’t really sure what to expect from your first…

Exercise Tips

Tips for staying fit and healthy on holiday

In the run up to a summer holiday, many people make it their mission to get fit and healthy, be it going to the gym, running outside or taking part…

How to get active on your day off

If you work a full-time job, it’s likely you only get a limited number of days off each year. This means that when you do book a day off, you’ll want to make the most of it. While some people…

Indoor workout tips

Now that we’re well into summer, many of you will be heading outside in a bid to make the most of the sunshine. This could also mean that those of you who normally go to the gym will switch up…

Exercises to Try Out

Fun group exercise activities

While some fitness fanatics prefer to exercise alone, others find the experience a whole lot more enjoyable when they workout with their friends or family members. If you're one of the latter, you may be in need of some group…


National walking month

The month of May brings an influx of fresh blooms and warmer weather, signalling that spring is well and truly upon us. It is during this month that many people pledge to make the most of the better weather by…


Things to know before starting running

If you're a fitness fanatic, but tend to focus on body weight exercises – or if you're a newcomer to the fitness world – you might be considering taking up…